Scala & Functional Programming Essentials | Rock the JVM

Become a Scala programmer and get the skills you need to work with Spark, Akka, and any Scala framework!

  • Daniel Ciocîrlan
  • 4.7
  • (11812 reviews)
  • 11.5 hrs
  • 40 lectures
  • Udemy
Scala & Functional Programming Essentials | Rock the JVM

What you will learn?

  • understand Scala code in production environments or open-source projects
  • think code differently with functional programming
  • write applications in Scala from scratch
  • contribute to products and open-source projects written in Scala
  • skills to start developing with powerful tools on top of Scala: Spark, Akka, Play

Your trainer

Daniel Ciocîrlan

I'm a software engineer with a passion for teaching. Big fan of Scala and the JVM.

I have a Master's Degree in Computer Science and I wrote my Bachelor and Master theses on Quantum Computation. Before starting to learn programming, I won medals at international Physics competitions.

For 7+ years, I've taught a variety of Computer Science topics to 30000+ of students at various levels. I've held Hour of Code for 7 year-olds, I've taught university students who now work at Google and Facebook, I've held live trainings for software engineering teams at Adobe and Apple, and I'm now so excited to share what I know with a wider community online.

40 lessons

Easy to follow lectures and videos covering subject details.

11.5 hours

This course includes hours of video material. Watch on-demand, anytime, anywhere.

Certificate of Completion

You will earn a Certificate of Completion at the end of this course.

Course curriculum

  • Getting Started!15:14
  • Values, Variables and Types11:46
  • Expressions19:34
  • Functions21:52
  • Type Inference04:21
  • Recursion25:13
  • Call-by-Name and Call-by-Value08:49
  • Default and Named Arguments08:53
  • Smart Operations on Strings15:08
  • Object-Oriented Basics14:40
  • Object-Oriented Basics (exercises)17:08
  • Syntactic Sugar: Method Notations16:33
  • Method Notations (Exercises)12:09
  • Scala Objects15:37
  • Inheritance16:40
  • Inheritance, Continued: Abstract Classes and Traits11:46
  • Inheritance Exercises: Implementing Our Own Collection15:49
  • Generics26:02
  • Anonymous Classes06:25
  • Object-Oriented Exercises: Expanding Our Collection26:06
  • Case Classes11:40
  • Scala 3: Enums09:16
  • Exceptions27:05
  • Packaging and Imports12:41
  • What's a Function, Really?23:00
  • Anonymous Functions13:14
  • Higher-Order-Functions and Curries19:38
  • HOFs and Curries (Exercises)32:08
  • map, flatMap, filter and for-comprehensions25:51
  • A Collections Overview03:39
  • Sequences: List, Array, Vector23:40
  • Tuples and Maps15:32
  • Tuples and Maps (Exercises)30:51
  • Options26:19
  • Handling Failure22:33
  • Pattern Matching22:04
  • ALL the Patterns!19:57
  • Patterns Everywhere09:44
  • Scala 3: Braceless Syntax20:11
  • What's next02:16
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