Programming Rust

Rust is a new systems programming language that combines the performance and low-level control of C and C++ with memory safety and thread safety. Rust’s modern, flexible types ensure your program is free of null pointer dereferences, double frees, dangling pointers, and similar bugs, all at compile time, without runtime overhead. In multi-threaded code, Rust catches data races at compile time, making concurrency much easier to use.

  • Jim Blandy
  • 4.65
Programming Rust
Online Courses

Learning Rust doesn't have to be hard. Here is our curated list of recommended online courses that will guide you step-by-step in the learning process.

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Are you an avid book reader? Do you prefer paperback, or maybe Kindle version? Take a look at our curated list of Rust related books and take yourskills to the next level.

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YouTube videos

The number of high-quality and free Rust video tutorials is growing fast. Check this curated list of recommended videos - there is no excuse to stop learning.

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