Master Docker with Java - DevOps for Spring Microservices
Create Docker Containers for Java Spring Boot Microservices. DevOps with Docker and Docker Compose for Java Developers.
What you will learn?
- Use Docker to containerise and run Java Spring Boot Microservices
- Use Docker to containerise and run Java Spring Boot Full Stack Applications
- Create Docker images for 8 Java Spring Boot Projects
- Learn Docker Commands and Docker Architecture
- Use Dockerfile to Automate Building of your Docker Image
- Create Docker Java Images with maven plugins - Dockerfile Spotify Plugin, JIB Plugin and Fabric8 Docker Maven Plugin
- Best practices in creating Docker Images for Java applications - Improve Caching of Docker Images and create Multi Stage Docker Builds.
- You will Containerize Java Spring Boot Todo Web Application talking with MySQL
- You will Containerize Java Spring Boot React Full Stack Application with Docker
- You will Containerize CCS, CES Microservices, Eureka Naming Server and Zuul API Gateway with Docker and Run them using Docker Compose
- You will learn to run MySQL, RabbitMQ and Zipkin as Docker Containers
- You will learn the basics of Docker Networking - HOST, BRIDGE and NONE
- You will learn to use Docker Compose to Manage Your Containers
- You will learn the basics of Microservices
- You will Join 300,000 Learners having AMAZING LEARNING Experiences with in28Minutes
Your trainer
in28Minutes Official
Ranga is an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate.
We are teaching 30+ Courses to 450K Learners on DevOps, Cloud ( AWS, PCF, GCP, and Azure ), Full Stack ( React, Angular ), Java Programming, and Java Frameworks ( Spring, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Hibernate ).
We use Problem-Solution based Step-By-Step Hands-on Approach With Practical, Real-World Application Examples.
We have a wide range of courses focused on Spring Boot - Creating APIs and Microservices, Deploying to Cloud ( AWS, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, Azure ), and Integrating with Full Stack Front end frameworks ( React & Angular ).
62 lessons
Easy to follow lectures and videos covering subject details.
6.5 hours
This course includes hours of video material. Watch on-demand, anytime, anywhere.
Certificate of Completion
You will earn a Certificate of Completion at the end of this course.
Course curriculum
- Deploy Spring Boot Applications to Docker - Getting Started02:56
- Step 01 - Installing Docker - Docker03:46
- Quick Tip for Windows 10 : Use in URLĀ instead of localhost00:12
- Step 02 - Your First Docker Usecase - Deploy a Spring Boot Application02:58
- Step 03 - Docker Concepts - Registry, Repository, Tag, Image & Containers06:18
- Step 04 - Playing with Docker Images and Containers06:28
- Step 05 - Understanding Docker Architecture - Docker Client, Docker Engine04:11
- Step 06 - Why is Docker Popular?03:02
- Step 07 - Playing with Docker Images08:26
- Step 08 - Playing with Docker Containers10:28
- Step 09 - Playing with Docker Commands - stats, system07:58
- Importing Docker Projects04:02
- Step 01 - Setting up 01 Spring Boot Hello World Rest API in Local03:56
- Step 02 - Build Docker Image Manually for 01 Hello World Rest API14:52
- Quick Tip for Windows 10 : Use in URLĀ instead of localhost00:12
- Step 03 - Use Dockerfile to Build Docker Image07:17
- Step 04 - Understanding Docker Image Layers, Caching and Dockerfile05:51
- Quick Tip for Windows 10 : Enable "Expose Demon without TLS option"00:18
- Step 05 - Using Dockerfile Spotify Plugin to Create Docker Images06:34
- Step 06 - Create a generic reusable Dockerfile02:03
- Step 07 - Improving Caching of Docker Images by Adding Libraries in a Separate S08:25
- Step 08 - Using JIB Plugin to Create Docker Images07:41
- Step 09 - Using Fabric8 Docker Maven Plugin to Create Docker Images05:23
- Step 01 - Setting up 02 Spring Boot Todo Web Application in Local08:27
- Step 02 - Create Docker Image for Spring Boot Todo Web Application07:59
- Step 03 - Understanding ENTRYPOINT, CMD, COPY and ADD instructions04:47
- Step 04 - Pushing 02 Spring Boot Todo Web Application to Docker Hub04:56
- Step 01 - Code Review of 03 Todo Web Application MySQL04:25
- Step 02 - Running MySQL as Docker Container on Local10:31
- Step 03 - Connect Spring Boot Todo Web App to MySQL on Local04:19
- Step 04 - Create Docker Image for 03 Todo Web Application and Use Link to connec09:28
- Step 05 - Exploring Docker Networking - HOST, BRIDGE and NONE06:15
- Step 06 - Creating a Custom Network and Connect MySQL and WebApplication04:58
- Step 07 - Using Docker Volumes to Persist Data11:49
- Step 01 - Exploring 04 Java Full Stack Spring Boot React App04:39
- Step 02 - Running React Frontend in Local04:13
- Step 03 - Containerizing Java REST API Backend05:23
- Step 04 - Creating Multi Stage Docker Build for React Frontend Code08:19
- Step 05 - Improve Front End Docker Build - dockerignore09:25
- Step 06 - Using Multi Stage Docker Build for Java REST API Backend08:17
- Step 07 - Running Java REST API Backend Docker Image04:39
- Step 08 - Exploring Docker Compose03:54
- Docker Compose Scale Command00:06
- Step 09 - Running Full Stack Application with Docker Compose09:57
- Step 10 - Using Docker Compose for Java Spring Boot Todo Web Application - MySql06:33
- Step 11 - Playing with Docker Compose06:59
- Step 01 - Introduction to Microservices03:56
- Step 02 - Advantages of Microservices02:44
- Step 03 - Understanding Docker and Microservices - An Amazing Combo04:32
- Step 04 - Overview of CCS and CES Spring Boot Microservices10:12
- Step 05 - Create Docker Images and Containers for Java Spring Boot Microservices12:43
- Step 06 - Run Java Spring Boot Microservices using Docker Compose08:13
- Step 01 - Understanding the need for Service Registry03:23
- Step 02 - Create Docker Images for Eureka Naming Server10:34
- Step 03 - Configure and Run Java Spring Boot Microservices with Eureka Service10:14
- Step 01 - Configure CES and CCS Microservices with Zuul API Gateway07:19
- Step 02 - Use Docker Compose to Run Microservices with Zuul05:38
- Step 01 - Introduction to Zipkin and Update Microservices to Connect to Zipkin07:52
- Step 02 - Using Docker Compose to Launch Zipkin, RabbitMq and Microservices09:28
- Step 03 - Running Zipkin, RabbitMq and Microservices04:03
- Step 04 - Thank You01:04
- Bonus Lecture - 5 Steps to Success00:37
"Docker for Java Spring Developers" is a nice head-start for Java developers. Along with basic concepts of Docker, this course perfectly covers how to leverage the Docker in Microservices architecture based application...
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