Kotlin for Java Developers
Use your Java skills to learn Kotlin fast. Enhance career prospects and master Kotlin, including Java interoperability

What you will learn?
- Create Kotlin programs
- Understand the differences between Java and Kotlin
- Understand how Java and Kotlin programs interoperate
Your trainer

Tim Buchalka
Tim's been a professional software developer for over 35 years. During his career, he has worked for major companies such as Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, and Saab. His video courses are used to train developers in major companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Paypal, VW, Pitney Bowes, IBM, and T-Mobile just to name a few (via the Udemy for Business program). What makes Tim unique is his professional programming career - many instructors have never programmed professionally, let alone had a distinguished professional development career like Tim. Tim has trained over 812,000 students how to program, way more than a typical IT Professor at a college does in a lifetime. In fact, Tim's courses are often purchased by students struggling to get through college programming courses.
90 lessons
Easy to follow lectures and videos covering subject details.
16.5 hours
This course includes hours of video material. Watch on-demand, anytime, anywhere.
Certificate of Completion
You will earn a Certificate of Completion at the end of this course.
Course curriculum
- Introduction From Tim Buchalka03:05
- Introduction to the course06:01
- JDK8 Install Windows05:15
- JDK8 Install Mac02:44
- JDK8 Install Linux04:20
- Intellij Windows Install and Configure09:35
- Intellij Mac Install and Configure09:28
- Intellij Linux Install and Configure10:03
- IntelliJ Kotlin Settings09:59
- Introduction to Section 200:29
- Introduction to Kotlin06:04
- The Java Text Adventure Game13:21
- The Converted Kotlin Text Adventure Game21:42
- IDEA's Java to Kotlin Converter04:31
- Introduction to Section 300:37
- Hello World from Kotlin09:15
- The Kotlin Standard Library04:25
- Variable Declarations in Kotlin12:07
- How to Create Type Aliases in Kotlin03:14
- Quick Differences Between Kotlin and Java10:01
- How Kotlin handles equality differently from Java13:20
- Bit Operators and Smart Casting in Kotlin06:08
- String Templates in Kotlin07:49
- Raw Strings in Kotlin08:08
- The Kotlin REPL04:00
- Kotlin Challenges (Round One)14:42
- Introduction to Section 400:46
- The Builtin Dataypes in Kotlin20:08
- Arrays in Kotlin23:08
- Null References in Kotlin - Part One21:04
- Null References in Kotlin - Part Two14:47
- Arrays and Null References06:19
- Kotlin Challenges (Round Two)15:58
- Introduction to Section 500:45
- Kotlin's Access Modifiers09:17
- Declaring Classes and Using Constructors in Kotlin22:23
- Properties and Backing Fields in Kotlin12:28
- Constants and Data Classes12:10
- Kotlin Function Basics21:53
- Extension Functions11:44
- Inline Functions02:42
- Inheritance in Kotlin - Part One11:24
- Inheritance in Kotlin - Part Two14:09
- Interfaces in Kotlin08:00
- Singletons in Kotlin06:05
- Companion Objects in Kotlin13:40
- Anonymous Objects in Kotlin06:35
- Enums in Kotlin04:10
- Imports in Kotlin16:45
- The Internal Access Modifier05:23
- Kotlin Challenges (Round Three, Part 1)20:12
- Kotlin Challenges (Round Three, Part 2)19:19
- Introduction to Section 600:36
- The For Loop27:57
- The If Expression09:52
- The When Expression22:15
- The Try/Catch Expression11:58
- Kotlin Challenges (Round Four)23:26
- Introduction to Section 700:57
- Lambda Expression Basics12:55
- Lambdas With Receivers19:15
- Lists16:25
- Kotlin Collections Functions09:56
- Maps and Destructuring Declarations15:37
- Sets in Kotlin06:28
- More Collections Functions in Kotlin16:13
- Sequences in Kotlin15:54
- Generics in Kotlin10:50
- Generics: Functions and Erasure22:27
- Generics: Reified Parameters in Kotlin08:38
- Generics: Covariance27:35
- Generics: Contravariance20:56
- Generics: Use-Site Variance10:46
- Kotlin Challenges (Round Five)27:01
- Introduction to Section 800:40
- Reading Text Files16:24
- Reading Binary Files and Try with Resources07:34
- Walking the File Tree06:16
- Introduction to Section 901:31
- Nullability when using Java from Kotlin14:50
- More about calling Java from Kotlin17:17
- Calling Kotlin Functions from Java16:21
- Annotations when calling Kotlin from Java17:32
- Kotlin Challenges (Round Six)25:07
- Introduction to Section 1001:06
- Revisit the Converted Kotlin Text Adventure10:01
- Kotlin for Java Developers Wrap Up02:25
- Tell Us What Content You Want Us To Add!00:13
- Source code03:27
- Bonus Lecture and Information04:48
Online Courses
Learning Kotlin doesn't have to be hard. Here is our curated list of recommended online courses that will guide you step-by-step in the learning process.
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YouTube videos
The number of high-quality and free Kotlin video tutorials is growing fast. Check this curated list of recommended videos - there is no excuse to stop learning.
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