Java Interview Guide : 200+ Interview Questions and Answers
Get Ready for your Java Interview with 200+ Java Interview Questions for Beginners
What you will learn?
- You will understand what kind of questions are asked in Beginner Java Interviews
- You will be able to Answer questions on Java Platform, Wrapper Classes and Strings
- You will be able to quickly revise all Your Java Concepts with Awesome Examples
- You will Understand New Features in Java 5, Java 6, Java 7 and Java 8
- You will Understand Basic and Advanced Object Oriented Concepts
- You will be able to Answer Questions on Collections, Generics and MultiThreading
- You will Understand Exception Handling Best Practices
- You will Understand basics of Functional Programming - Lambda Expressions and Streams
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in28Minutes Official
Ranga is an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate.
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We use Problem-Solution based Step-By-Step Hands-on Approach With Practical, Real-World Application Examples.
We have a wide range of courses focused on Spring Boot - Creating APIs and Microservices, Deploying to Cloud ( AWS, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, Azure ), and Integrating with Full Stack Front end frameworks ( React & Angular ).
55 lessons
Easy to follow lectures and videos covering subject details.
6 hours
This course includes hours of video material. Watch on-demand, anytime, anywhere.
Certificate of Completion
You will earn a Certificate of Completion at the end of this course.
Course curriculum
- Introduction01:32
- Three Things You need to Know01:14
- Congratulations00:41
- Course Overview02:31
- Java Popularity and Platform Independence05:07
- Compare JDK vs JVM vs JRE04:05
- Differences between C++ and Java02:07
- Java Classloaders02:42
- Wrapper Classes11:01
- String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder09:46
- Object Basics - Class, Object, State and Behavior06:35
- toString method03:27
- equals and hashCode methods10:33
- Inheritance, Method overloading and Method overriding11:21
- Interface08:26
- Abstract Class09:59
- Constructors - this() and super()07:25
- Do not forget to do Exercises01:43
- Polymorphism and instanceof08:34
- What is Coupling?05:23
- What is Cohesion?05:00
- What is Encapsulation?04:39
- Inner Class and Static Inner Class05:47
- What is an anonymous class?02:50
- Access Modifiers - public, private, protected and default09:55
- Final method, variable and class03:42
- Static variables and methods07:01
- Simple Puzzles on conditions and loops08:09
- Exception Handling - try, catch and finally09:10
- Checked and Unchecked Exceptions05:48
- Throwing an Exception05:43
- Creating Custom Exceptions11:19
- Arrays05:38
- Enum05:08
- Variable Arguments03:49
- Asserts and Garbage Collection05:24
- Static and Member Initializers04:19
- Serialization06:58
- Collection Interface Hierarchy05:40
- Collection & List Interface methods and classes - ArrayList, Vector & LinkedList07:32
- Set interfaces and implementations - HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSet06:00
- Map interfaces and implementations - HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap04:14
- Queue interfaces and implementations - Deque and BlockingQueue06:36
- Collection Code Examples13:18
- Concurrent Collections - CopyOnWriteArrayList07:01
- CompareAndSwap, Locks and AtomicOperations10:41
- Generics05:23
- MultiThreading - Need for Threads and Creating Threads08:20
- Thread states, priority, ExecutorService and Callable07:03
- Synchronization of Threads. join, wait, notify and notifyAll methods09:17
- Functional Programming Examples - Streams and Lambda Expressions08:34
- Functional Programming Questions and Answers18:57
- Java New Features - Java 5, 6, 7 and 807:48
- Bonus Lecture00:18
- Conclusion01:34
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