Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D
Design & Develop Video Games. Learn C# in Unity Engine. Code Your first 3D Unity games for web, Mac & PC.
What you will learn?
- Learn C# from scratch. A powerful modern language.
- Get experience using Unity 2020 - a very versatile 3D tool.
- Gain an excellent general knowledge of video game design.
- Make 2.5D and 3D games in Unity.
- Transfer your knowledge to .NET, other languages, and more.
- Learn how object oriented programming works in practice.
- Develop a positive attitude to problem solving.
- Practical exercises EVERY VIDEO to build actual skills.
- Learn good coding and design patterns.
- Learn to use source control, a valuable tool for working in small teams.
Your trainer
Ben Tristem
Hi, I'm Ben. I have a degree in computing from Imperial College London, and a physics diploma from the Open University.
I started working for myself at the age of 15, and never looked back. I explored careers as varied as being a commercial pilot, stunt-man, rock climbing instructor, and more. None of these provided a continued challenge, and stable income in the same way technology does.
After building and selling a home computer support business, I became an angel investor and business mentor here in Cambridge UK. I fell in love with teaching game development through one of my investments, and I now spend all of my time sharing my passion with people like you.
204 lessons
Easy to follow lectures and videos covering subject details.
30.5 hours
This course includes hours of video material. Watch on-demand, anytime, anywhere.
Certificate of Completion
You will earn a Certificate of Completion at the end of this course.
Course curriculum
- Welcome To The Course03:57
- For users of Unity versions 2017-201900:33
- Download Unity & VS Code05:41
- IntelliSense Issues?01:44
- Introducing Unity13:08
- Introducing Prefabs12:37
- Your First Script09:39
- Community & Support04:05
- Section Intro - Obstacle Course01:27
- Game Design - Obstacle Course05:30
- Start() & Update()11:41
- Introducing Variables08:03
- Using SerializeField06:26
- C# Formatting & Input.GetAxis()13:09
- Time.deltaTime08:45
- Cinemachine Follow Camera10:43
- Basic Collision10:01
- Introduction To Methods12:24
- Practicing With Methods10:10
- Using OnCollisionEnter()06:26
- Using GetComponent<>()05:06
- Incrementing A Score09:03
- Using Time.time06:56
- If Statements06:49
- Caching A Reference11:28
- Using Tags09:55
- Rotate An Object08:10
- Prepare Our Prefabs07:41
- Build An Obstacle Course09:02
- Wrap Up - Obstacle Course01:59
- Section Intro - Project Boost00:55
- Game Design - Project Boost04:24
- Onion Design05:08
- Unity Units13:52
- Introducing Classes10:20
- Basic Input Binding14:18
- Using AddRelativeForce()09:45
- Variable For Thrusting04:27
- Transform.Rotate() Our Rocket11:20
- Rigidbody Constraints12:09
- Our Source Control Repo10:33
- Unity Audio Introduction07:47
- Play AudioSource SFX08:20
- Switch Statements13:02
- Respawn Using SceneManager10:05
- Load Next Level10:57
- Using Invoke11:33
- Multiple Audio Clips11:25
- Bool Variable For State08:36
- Make Rocket Look Spiffy15:00
- How To Trigger Particles11:46
- Particles For Rocket Boosters10:39
- Refactor With Extract Method06:07
- Add Cheat / Debug Keys06:52
- Make Environment From Cubes08:50
- How To Add Lights In Unity12:15
- Move Obstacle With Code10:01
- Mathf.Sin() For Oscillation13:00
- Protect Against NaN Error05:35
- Designing Level Moments09:22
- Quit Application03:42
- How To Build & Publish A Game07:33
- Wrap Up - Project Boost02:14
- Section Intro - Argon Assault01:04
- Game Design - Argon Assault04:14
- How To Add Terrain14:03
- Unity Terrain Tools11:28
- How To Use Unity Asset Store05:37
- Texturing Terrain In Unity10:55
- Add Trees To Terrain06:03
- Master Timeline For Player Rail14:21
- Animate Enemy Using Timeline10:34
- Import Player Ship Asset07:36
- Using GetAxis() For Movement11:25
- Unity's New Input System13:30
- Start Moving Our Player09:35
- Move Player Using Input03:35
- Mathf.Clamp() To Constrain Movement06:49
- How To Set Local Rotation08:58
- Rotate Ship With Position & Throw14:53
- Time To Tune And Tweak11:00
- Particle System Laser Bullet14:30
- Exploring Nested Prefabs In Unity19:03
- Set Up Firing Input06:01
- Arrays & Foreach Loops11:57
- Deactivating Particle System Emission05:32
- Header & Tooltips Attributes05:36
- Understanding Collisions & Triggers17:50
- Detecting Particle Collisions09:18
- Reload Scene After Collision09:49
- Create Explosion Particle Effect12:16
- Trigger Player Explosion06:31
- Instantiate At Runtime11:51
- Public Methods In Unity C#12:58
- Simple User Interface For Score11:01
- ToString() To Display Score05:04
- Enemy Hit Points09:17
- Set Up Enemy Prefabs13:51
- Using FindWithTag()08:46
- Control Tracks For Enemy Waves13:04
- Timeline For Dialogue11:56
- Singleton Pattern For Music Player10:28
- Sneaky Explosion SFX08:42
- Skybox & Lighting10:57
- Add Post Processing09:24
- Your 3 Minute Experience07:15
- Wrap Up - Argon Assault00:46
- Introduction - Realm Rush01:03
- Realm Rush Game Design05:37
- Grid Snapping07:53
- Text Labels10:29
- Coordinate System11:28
- Lists11:11
- Introducing Coroutines11:24
- Importing Assets07:39
- Prefab Variants13:41
- Smooth Enemy Movement11:51
- Detect Mouse Input10:39
- Targeting Enemies10:32
- Damaging Enemies12:24
- Debugging Tools11:25
- Finding the Path09:38
- Instantiating Enemies07:34
- Object Pools12:54
- Target Closest Enemy11:56
- Currency System (Part 1)12:33
- Currency System (Part 2)10:59
- UI Text11:19
- Increasing Difficulty07:09
- Refactoring14:57
- Playtest and Balance13:43
- Review and Reflect01:52
- Pathfinding Decisions06:14
- Breadth First Search08:43
- Pure C# Classes11:10
- Dictionaries10:25
- More Debugging Tools12:43
- Exploring Neighbors11:11
- Exploring the World12:33
- Finding the Path (again!)07:37
- Blocking Nodes15:31
- Valid Path11:47
- Script Execution Order14:54
- Broadcast Message08:00
- Overloading Methods12:22
- Build Timer06:37
- Ambience13:06
- Post Processing11:08
- Section Wrap-Up01:36
- Welcome To Zombie Runner04:16
- Zombie Runner Game Design03:44
- Adding First Person Controller04:56
- Make A Prototyping Sandbox06:27
- Using NavMeshAgent For AI09:58
- Getting Stuck & Jittering05:21
- Enemy AI - Chase Range07:25
- Using OnDrawGizmosSelected()04:05
- Enemy AI - Attack If Provoked10:15
- Give That Player A Gun07:03
- Introduction To Raycasting08:07
- Enemy Health & Damage08:35
- Implement A Muzzle Flash06:57
- Creating Shooting Hit Effect09:05
- Introduction To Animator Controller08:08
- Creating A Simple Animation06:51
- Animator Transition Conditions04:18
- Trigger Animation In Code12:13
- Use Animation Events06:58
- Create Player Health Class08:26
- Rotate To Face Target07:36
- Game Over User Interface13:16
- Create A Death Handler06:50
- Using BroadcastMessage07:17
- Early Gameplay Loop05:47
- Weapon System Overview04:10
- Weapon Zoom - Field Of View07:51
- Weapon Zoom - Mouse Sensitivity05:33
- Basic Ammo Functionality06:38
- Multiple Weapon Types12:09
- Weapon Differentiation13:19
- Set Active Weapon08:05
- Player Input To Select Weapon10:22
- Public Enum & Private Class13:04
- Different Weapon Different Ammo07:54
- Quick Bug Fix Challenge04:11
- Ammo Pickup - Part 106:27
- Ammo Pickup - Part 213:13
- Let's Add A Zombie14:46
- Quick Zombie Attack Challenge03:18
- Flex Your Level Design Muscles09:51
- Add Terrain & Trees12:30
- ProBuilder For Making Props15:05
- ProBuilder To Make Rooms11:53
- ProBuilder To Make Levels08:36
- Adding Textures With ProBuilder08:49
- We Need Some Lights10:09
- Create A FlashLight09:36
- Create A Battery Pickup13:02
- Display Current Ammo UI08:41
- Damage Received UI11:46
- Props & Polish06:35
- For users of Unity versions 2017-201900:33
- Congratulations01:07
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